Know How Much Love Can Hurt You

Written by: Maria Elouisa E. Enerlan
Date: January 12, 2008

Love is such a powerful word, so mysterious that anyone can bear within themselves. Along my life's journey searching for that someone who will appreciate and love me for whom I am. I guess it's time for me to stop searching. It's not because I'm giving up on love. It's the thought that along my life's journey I grew tired of searching.

As what they say, love is not always like a fairytale. Maybe it’s the thought that there are people who give so much to those who don't love them back. There are some who feel so loved and find out in the end that they were fooled. There are some who's into mutual love, but can't call their partner as their own because someone already holds the title. There are some who give so much love, but the other won't believe because they always consider your past. There are some who receive so much love, but can't seem to move on from their previous relationship. Others just want to play the game and choose their playmates. Now, as you read what I have written in here. Can you really tell if which story is yours?

I know there's always a reason why we have to move on and forget the feelings we've always wanted to stay forever because love has its on wings to set free and find the right place where it should be. Sometimes, I ask myself if why did we to fall for someone who's not really meant for us. Should we blame ourselves for falling for the wrong one? Or should we blame the one we fell for? Because they made us believe that they are the one. I guess it's just the way how life goes when you fall. People fall in love, not knowing WHY or HOW. It's so special, a feeling that doesn't require much answer because all you have to do is to LOVE no matter how stupid you become. Now, with all the heartaches I've experienced in my life, it made think of these questions that really made sense to me. "Would you love someone who completes you? Or would you love a person who loves you completely?"

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Elle's Notebook