The Right Time

Written by: Maria Elouisa E. Enerlan
Date: June 1, 2007

Love always comes at the right time and at the right chance. Once in a while, we often blame ourselves why on this very day that we have to deal with something that we hold dear to us. We are thinking about the reasons why we really love that person. If only we knew the answers…

Just now, you need to act towards certain things at a very least where you'll get to know and understand everything. It is because they call it as, "The Right Time." We think of Love as a past time or maybe just a fling, and for some it’s only for pleasure. Thinking that the person you love today, for tomorrow is not like as it was before. However, they have to admit that one of these days they would name their boyfriend/girlfriend as an "EX". It might take a while but sometimes it takes years, but how long? 1 year? 2 years? 3 years? And in the end, if you're tired of waiting and don't wanted to be in the relationship you back out and refuse its existence.

Others would tend to last only for a year because of the feeling of regrets for not having utilized something or not having take advantage of a situation that they both shared. That would describe an exceedingly kind of person who has a very immature way to love. There are others that are very serious and sensitive when it comes to that love. You know the kind of person who is willingly ready to risk everything. Willing to give and to give up for the sake of the person he/she loves. There are other people out there who try to hold back their feelings or what they really feel. Maybe because they think that they are still in High School or if not they are still young. At some point in time, what they really wish is that they'll be together with that person when they want to get serious. You know when you're really sure about yourself that you have to be with the person whom you desire and spend the rest of you life with. If ever this would happen, it usually happens at "The Right Time."

There's a saying that:
"I don't care how many lips you've kissed
I don't care how many women you've embraced
I don't care how many girls heard you say you love them
All I care is the future, not to be you're FIRST but to be you're LAST."

When you love someone and you know that you care so much about them, that is certainly is a good feeling. You know when you feel that you're Soul Mates. That's why, when that person is really meant for you, no matter how long you may not see each other, no matter how many people they will love, no matter how far that person is, or how many times that something stand in your way just to be with that person… if you're really meant to be together, you'll truly find each other…

LOVE, basically, you don't have to look for it because it just simply comes. When the right time comes, it's just right there patiently waiting for you to take their hand and reach for it. You’ll just to wait and see and then you will realize how cruel and great love is.

Let's Be Friends

Elle's Notebook